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3 Tips To Prevent Wind Burn This Winter

Wind burn is a condition that occurs when windy climates traumatize the skin and cause dermatitis. Boating during the summer, and windy, cold weather conditions in the winter are the major causes of wind burn. Low humidity plays a large role along with the wind, because it causes the skin to dry out and become much more easily irritated. The resulting rash may feel like a sunburn and little bumps can form. The best way to avoid wind burn is to of course, avoid windy conditions. When being outdoors is a must these simple tips will help you avoid this annoyance:

  1. Keep the skin as moist as possible. Before leaving home, a good moisturizer, preferably with sunscreen should be liberally applied and then reapplied every two hours.

  2. Don’t forget the moisturizing lip balm.

  3. Wear protective clothing such as sunglasses and scarves whenever possible. If skiing, a full ski mask is your best bet.

If wind burn does occur, despite your best efforts then follow these tips:

  1. Apply a heavier ointment product such as Aquaphor as often as you can remember.

  2. Apply topical hydrocortisone 1% twice a day. It’s available over the counter.

  3. Avoid further exposure to the elements.

  4. Avoid astringents and caustic chemicals, as well as any products with scents or dyes as these can worsen the symptoms.

  5. Use only a mild soap and water to clean the face.

  6. If you show no improvement after a couple of days, call your local dermatologist and schedule an appointment.

For more information and tips, see our Facebook and Google+ pages.

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